CDM: A mass was said in memory of the deceased
Tuesday, November 02, 2020 in the enclosure of the office of Caritas Development Mahagi Nioka a mass was said in memory of the deceased.
Day which corresponds in the Roman Catholic Church to the Commemoration of the faithful deceased, celebration of the dead by Masses, in particular for the deceased of the past year. The Mass has a value of purification from venial sins in order to reach the beatific vision.
Started around 4:30 p.m. and celebrated by the Reverend Abbot Director of the CDM, several names of the deceased were cited according to the prescription of each agent of the said NGO.
The first reading, taken from the book of Isaiah chapter 1: 6-9 which shows the need for a human body to manifest for food. “As one who is hungry dreams that he eats and then wakes up, the stomach empty, And as the one who is thirsty dreams that he is drinking, Then wakes up ... "
While the gospel, taken from the book of John chapter 6: 51-59 Jesus demonstrates how we must nourish our souls to see happy after death: “I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world ... "
In his homily, the Reverend Abbot Director of Caritas Development Mahagi Nioka urges us not only to nourish our physical body with food and wine but also to nourish our soul well with the body and blood of Christ to live happily after the dead. Mass lasted for at least an hour and a half and ended with a final blessing.
Day which corresponds in the Roman Catholic Church to the Commemoration of the faithful deceased, celebration of the dead by Masses, in particular for the deceased of the past year. The Mass has a value of purification from venial sins in order to reach the beatific vision.
Started around 4:30 p.m. and celebrated by the Reverend Abbot Director of the CDM, several names of the deceased were cited according to the prescription of each agent of the said NGO.
The first reading, taken from the book of Isaiah chapter 1: 6-9 which shows the need for a human body to manifest for food. “As one who is hungry dreams that he eats and then wakes up, the stomach empty, And as the one who is thirsty dreams that he is drinking, Then wakes up ... "
While the gospel, taken from the book of John chapter 6: 51-59 Jesus demonstrates how we must nourish our souls to see happy after death: “I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world ... "
In his homily, the Reverend Abbot Director of Caritas Development Mahagi Nioka urges us not only to nourish our physical body with food and wine but also to nourish our soul well with the body and blood of Christ to live happily after the dead. Mass lasted for at least an hour and a half and ended with a final blessing.
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