CDM: Blessing ceremony for newly acquired gear by the local ordinary.
This Thursday, December 10, 2020, His Excellency Monsignor Sosthène AYIKULI ADJUWA, Bishop of the Diocese of Mahagi-nioka proceeded to the blessing of the rolling vehicles provided by Caritas Développement Mahagi-Nioka.
These rolling machines acquired at the beginning of December with its own funds, including a new Bulldozer and two Buses, a Toyota brand mini with 18 seats and the other the big one with 54 seats or more.
The ceremony will begin around 4:30 p.m., the choir of Caritas agents will sing a gloriously resounding melody in the enclosure of the former procurator's station of the diocese of Mahagi-Nioka to welcome its local Ordinary.
The worship of the blessing said by His Excellency Monsignor Sosthene will take a total of one hour of time to begin the ceremony of sprinkling on said devices.
Ended around 6 p.m. with souvenir photos, the ceremony will be followed by a reception for all participants.
These rolling machines acquired at the beginning of December with its own funds, including a new Bulldozer and two Buses, a Toyota brand mini with 18 seats and the other the big one with 54 seats or more.
The ceremony will begin around 4:30 p.m., the choir of Caritas agents will sing a gloriously resounding melody in the enclosure of the former procurator's station of the diocese of Mahagi-Nioka to welcome its local Ordinary.
The worship of the blessing said by His Excellency Monsignor Sosthene will take a total of one hour of time to begin the ceremony of sprinkling on said devices.
Ended around 6 p.m. with souvenir photos, the ceremony will be followed by a reception for all participants.
Ir. Faustin MUNGUTSI
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