CDM: DRII Street Development and Widening Project

Since Monday, November 02, 2020, Caritas Développement Mahagi-Nioka has just carried out a project to develop and widen the DRII road.

The first phase is to uproot the tree trunks at the side of the road and starting at the entrance to the Caritas Development Mahagi-Nioka office until the new construction of the maternal building of the Saints Children School Complex of FATIMA.

For this, several young people from the neighborhood have just been hired to do this community service.

According to the program, this project will be carried out in such a way that the road will divide in two to allow one-way traffic. Moreover, this is a reason to reassure students who frequent this route too much.

After this step, the next phase will proceed with the development of the track leading from the roundabout at the entrance to the Caritas Development Mahagi-Nioka office to the Center of Mahagi Commune.

Ir. Faustin MUNGUTSI

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