CDM: Official launch of the rehabilitation works of DRII street by the provincial minister of ITPR Ibrahim UCIRCAN BOULE

This Tuesday, 08/12/2020, Caritas Development Mahagi-Nioka proceeded to the official launch of the rehabilitation works of DRII street by the provincial minister of ITPR Ibrahim UCIRCAN BOULE.

Last October, Caritas Development Mahagi-Nioka (CDM) had carried out the manual launch of the rehabilitation works of DRII Street where the young people of the neighborhood, hired to uproot all the tree trunks found on the other side of the street to allow its expansion.
At the beginning of December 2020, the CDM has just taken delivery of a bulldozer which it duly purchased abroad to carry out this community service. Concerned about the development of the province of ITURI, it will in the near future obtain the constitution of a brigade of public works machinery composed of: bulldozer, grader, hydraulic shovel or excavator, compactor, etc.
The idea is encouraged by the Minister of ITPR during the launching ceremony of this work, this Tuesday, 12/08/2020 in the DRII district, in front of the new construction of the Saints Enfants de FATIMA school complex, which underlines that “you had told us about a project, a very interesting project of the constitution of a public works brigade of which the sample of machines are there, we encourage you and we think that this will come once boosted the development and particularly through the development of the territory and therefore, we await the total accomplishment of the project and already at this stage we will report it to his Excellency the Governor of the province ”.
These works which will take at least 4 km from the DRII road, going from the site of the new construction of the Saints Enfants de FATIMA school complex to the triangle which forms the large roundabout in the center of the commune of Mahagi separated by a central berm .
UCIRCAN BOULE Ibrahim, Minister of ITPR urges the youth and also other layers to watch over the public heritage for its protection and to avoid resorting to violence to claim their rights which, certainly do not contribute anything in the development: “development is everyone's business. Development today is a participatory sector. Everyone at their own level is called upon to support development efforts, to cultivate good citizenship, citizenship to protect collective heritage…” “... I think that claims, however legitimate they may be, should not be expressed by name-calling, insults, attacks that go beyond the scope of the claim.”
After the ribbon cutting, His Excellency Provincial Minister of ITPR proceeded to test the bulldozer machine to confirm his agreement to the opening of the rehabilitation works on DRII Street.
The day will end with a cocktail organized by the CDM for all the participants of the said ceremony.
Ir. Faustin MUNGUTSI

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