Ituri: Caritas Mahagi-Nioka has strengthened the capacities of its Communication workers
A training and exchange of experiences workshop in Communication was organized from November 14 to 21 at the Caritas Development Mahagi-Nioka (CDM) Reception Center. Exchange of experiences between Guy-Marin Kamandji, Communications Officer of Caritas Congo Asbl and Communication speakers from Caritas-Development Mahagi-Nioka.
The general objective of these meetings was to pool and share the knowledge developed within the Caritas Network with a view to Communication focused on increased visibility as well as better strategic positioning of Caritas-Development Mahagi-Nioka in the environment. humanitarian and development NGOs in this diocese.
For a week, the participants were enabled to ensure the visibility of the CDM's interventions. The Facilitator also shared with them experiences and good communication practices already used by Caritas Congo Asbl.
The exchange of experiences also concerned the use of camera devices, including smartphones, to better collect, process and disseminate CDM information, and advocacy for the benefit of populations in distress. And this, both through articles, documentaries and mini-videos to post on Social Networks.
In addition, Mr. Kamandji spoke to the participants about the importance of Communication in resource mobilization. Visibility and awareness, credibility, trust and accountability, call to action, partnership and networking, are essential roles that Communication plays in an Organization like the CDM.
The Facilitator took the opportunity offered by the celebration of the Patron Saint of the CDM to detect some flaws to correct in terms of Communication. Furthermore, the analysis of the Communication situation of this structure, in Carrefours, allowed the Facilitator to propose a Roadmap to the Director of Caritas-Development Mahagi-Nioka to improve the Communication of his Organization, supported by a Plan of Communication in development.
Indeed, the CDM's Communication speakers (including IT and network experts, journalists from the diocesan Radio Umoja) had indicated in Carrefours what messages the CDM should communicate, why, how, to whom, etc. Internal and external communication were all affected.
Mr. Kamandji finished his training with recommendations, supported by specific cases and rich in teaching.
These exchanges of experiences were closed by practical sessions in particular, reports at the Saints Enfants de Fatima School Complex, at the Zale aerodrome and at the Mahagi Mission Reference Health Center, all units of the CDM. For his part, the Director of Caritas Mahagi-Nioka, Abbot Prosper Rugamba, recalled the importance of these exchanges.
"We work a lot. We have as many achievements, projects in progress, but we communicate less. It is important for us to communicate about our activities. We also need to ensure the visibility of Caritas Mahagi-Nioka," he said. -he emphasized in front of the participants during the launch.
Thanking the Communications Officer of Caritas Congo Asbl and especially its Executive Secretary, Father Édouard Makimba, he also expressed the willingness of the CDM to follow the Facilitator's recommendations. It was at the end of the weekly mass of his Structure that he presided over, Friday November 22, 2024, a few hours before the Facilitator's return to Kinshasa.
DesU et GMK
The general objective of these meetings was to pool and share the knowledge developed within the Caritas Network with a view to Communication focused on increased visibility as well as better strategic positioning of Caritas-Development Mahagi-Nioka in the environment. humanitarian and development NGOs in this diocese.
For a week, the participants were enabled to ensure the visibility of the CDM's interventions. The Facilitator also shared with them experiences and good communication practices already used by Caritas Congo Asbl.
The exchange of experiences also concerned the use of camera devices, including smartphones, to better collect, process and disseminate CDM information, and advocacy for the benefit of populations in distress. And this, both through articles, documentaries and mini-videos to post on Social Networks.
In addition, Mr. Kamandji spoke to the participants about the importance of Communication in resource mobilization. Visibility and awareness, credibility, trust and accountability, call to action, partnership and networking, are essential roles that Communication plays in an Organization like the CDM.
The Facilitator took the opportunity offered by the celebration of the Patron Saint of the CDM to detect some flaws to correct in terms of Communication. Furthermore, the analysis of the Communication situation of this structure, in Carrefours, allowed the Facilitator to propose a Roadmap to the Director of Caritas-Development Mahagi-Nioka to improve the Communication of his Organization, supported by a Plan of Communication in development.
Indeed, the CDM's Communication speakers (including IT and network experts, journalists from the diocesan Radio Umoja) had indicated in Carrefours what messages the CDM should communicate, why, how, to whom, etc. Internal and external communication were all affected.
Mr. Kamandji finished his training with recommendations, supported by specific cases and rich in teaching.
These exchanges of experiences were closed by practical sessions in particular, reports at the Saints Enfants de Fatima School Complex, at the Zale aerodrome and at the Mahagi Mission Reference Health Center, all units of the CDM. For his part, the Director of Caritas Mahagi-Nioka, Abbot Prosper Rugamba, recalled the importance of these exchanges.
"We work a lot. We have as many achievements, projects in progress, but we communicate less. It is important for us to communicate about our activities. We also need to ensure the visibility of Caritas Mahagi-Nioka," he said. -he emphasized in front of the participants during the launch.
Thanking the Communications Officer of Caritas Congo Asbl and especially its Executive Secretary, Father Édouard Makimba, he also expressed the willingness of the CDM to follow the Facilitator's recommendations. It was at the end of the weekly mass of his Structure that he presided over, Friday November 22, 2024, a few hours before the Facilitator's return to Kinshasa.
DesU et GMK
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