Mahagi: His Excellency Bishop Sosthène AYIKULI ordained two new priests in the diocese of Mahagi-Nioka.
Mahagi-Nioka's own pastor ordained two deacons as priests. The missionary from Africa Jean-Baptiste MUNGUKENDE and the diocesan Olivier SAFARI passed from the diaconal state to the priestly state at the Place du Centenaire. The ceremonies took place on Thursday, May 20, 2021. They were chaired by H.E. Mgr Sosthène AYIKULI ADJUWA. This, in the presence of a crowd of lay faithful and priests from various backgrounds in the diocese and elsewhere.
It was at 9 a.m. that the procession, which started from the Salle Polyvalente Alphonse-Marie RUNIGA, fell to the altar in the Place du Centenaire. Finished the arrangement, Abbot Marc WAROM thanks the surrounding parents, standing in front of the altar, their sons. Mass continues as usual until the proclamation of the Gospel.
Make way for speeches at the end of mass. Bishop the Vicar General and Parish Priest of the Cathedral is delighted with what he describes as "the birth of twins after 7 years of infertility and sterility". An infertility and sterility on which the Bishop of Mahagi-Nioka rather invites the faithful to reflect. "You've heard it yourself! It has been over seven years since there were priests. Not a single priest! I don't know how many more years it will take for him to have one. Count yourselves ... Because when I try to see, there is no one there! Maybe at the Petit Séminaire over there ... And I wonder if there is. What happens to make a mother ward like this sterile? May God, who has the power to cause sterile crops to be produced, act! May he really take action and see the fruits of that action here!" Exclaims H.E. Bishop Sosthène AYIKULI ADJUWA.
It is then time for the election of candidates. The Provincial Superior reads the dimissorial letter. Father Emmanuel NGONA, present at the same time, the deacon Jean-Baptiste MUNGUKENDE for his election to the order of the presbyteral. The Vicar General, Mgr Emmanuel UWACGIU, presents, in his turn, the deacon Olivier SAFARI for the same exercise. The celebrant centers his homily on the choice of the candidate for the priesthood as the mystery of the mercy of God. “God chooses men to make them priests not because of their merits but because of his mercy. He chooses them even before their conception ”, preaches H.E. Mgr Sosthène AYIKULI ADJUWA. Cries of joy and applause resound as, after the laying on of hands and the ordination prayer, the newly ordained put on the chasuble.
Christians invite the newly ordained to stand firmly on the ground of the noble choice they have made. "You have made a wise choice, that of uniting heaven and earth, of leading the soul to God, humanity to divinity! It is a difficult but not impossible mission, which requires courage, self-sacrifice and above all, prayer with perseverance!", Advises UTITI, which represents them. The Provincial Superior speaks incisively to the parents of consecrated persons. “Dear parents, do not push us to steal. Pray for us ! Be a support for us, your children, so that we may be good priests, holy priests. As you have given us with great generosity, support our missionary activities!", Recommends Father Emmanuel NGONA. For their part, the new orders are addressed in a particular way to the security guards. "Dear agents, we invite you to work for peace in order to guarantee respect for the dignity of the human person and respect for his inalienable rights", exhorts Abbot Olivier SAFARI.
Father Jean-Baptiste MUNGUKENDE will go on mission to Marseille, France, while Father Olivier SAFARI will work in the pastoral establishment of Mariaba.
From the website of Radio Umaja (Jean-Claude UBEGIU)
It was at 9 a.m. that the procession, which started from the Salle Polyvalente Alphonse-Marie RUNIGA, fell to the altar in the Place du Centenaire. Finished the arrangement, Abbot Marc WAROM thanks the surrounding parents, standing in front of the altar, their sons. Mass continues as usual until the proclamation of the Gospel.
Make way for speeches at the end of mass. Bishop the Vicar General and Parish Priest of the Cathedral is delighted with what he describes as "the birth of twins after 7 years of infertility and sterility". An infertility and sterility on which the Bishop of Mahagi-Nioka rather invites the faithful to reflect. "You've heard it yourself! It has been over seven years since there were priests. Not a single priest! I don't know how many more years it will take for him to have one. Count yourselves ... Because when I try to see, there is no one there! Maybe at the Petit Séminaire over there ... And I wonder if there is. What happens to make a mother ward like this sterile? May God, who has the power to cause sterile crops to be produced, act! May he really take action and see the fruits of that action here!" Exclaims H.E. Bishop Sosthène AYIKULI ADJUWA.
It is then time for the election of candidates. The Provincial Superior reads the dimissorial letter. Father Emmanuel NGONA, present at the same time, the deacon Jean-Baptiste MUNGUKENDE for his election to the order of the presbyteral. The Vicar General, Mgr Emmanuel UWACGIU, presents, in his turn, the deacon Olivier SAFARI for the same exercise. The celebrant centers his homily on the choice of the candidate for the priesthood as the mystery of the mercy of God. “God chooses men to make them priests not because of their merits but because of his mercy. He chooses them even before their conception ”, preaches H.E. Mgr Sosthène AYIKULI ADJUWA. Cries of joy and applause resound as, after the laying on of hands and the ordination prayer, the newly ordained put on the chasuble.
Christians invite the newly ordained to stand firmly on the ground of the noble choice they have made. "You have made a wise choice, that of uniting heaven and earth, of leading the soul to God, humanity to divinity! It is a difficult but not impossible mission, which requires courage, self-sacrifice and above all, prayer with perseverance!", Advises UTITI, which represents them. The Provincial Superior speaks incisively to the parents of consecrated persons. “Dear parents, do not push us to steal. Pray for us ! Be a support for us, your children, so that we may be good priests, holy priests. As you have given us with great generosity, support our missionary activities!", Recommends Father Emmanuel NGONA. For their part, the new orders are addressed in a particular way to the security guards. "Dear agents, we invite you to work for peace in order to guarantee respect for the dignity of the human person and respect for his inalienable rights", exhorts Abbot Olivier SAFARI.
Father Jean-Baptiste MUNGUKENDE will go on mission to Marseille, France, while Father Olivier SAFARI will work in the pastoral establishment of Mariaba.
From the website of Radio Umaja (Jean-Claude UBEGIU)
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