Mahagi: The Caritas Development Mahagi-Nioka launches a project of "Multisector humanitarian aid for households particularly affected by the conflicts in the Province of Ituri"
This Wednesday, July 19, 2023, Caritas Development Mahagi-Nioka, through its Diocesan Office of Solidarity and Sharing (BDSP), launched the new Project “Multisectoral humanitarian aid for households particularly affected by conflicts in the Ituri Province” funded by the German Government.
For more than two months, Caritas Development Mahagi-Nioka and Caritas Germany have been implementing a new humanitarian program funded by the German Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which aims to save lives and protect lives by ensuring that vulnerable communities affected by protracted humanitarian crises are protected, empowered and better connected to live more resilient and peaceful lives.
The program will identify vulnerable people (elderly people, people living with disabilities, displaced households, returnees and host communities and community organizations (ILP), local authorities, local leaders, civil society, health providers, etc. These groups of beneficiaries will be targeted by the selection approach to obtain multi-sectoral assistance in cash and/or in kind. These activities will focus on the following sectors:
For more than two months, Caritas Development Mahagi-Nioka and Caritas Germany have been implementing a new humanitarian program funded by the German Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which aims to save lives and protect lives by ensuring that vulnerable communities affected by protracted humanitarian crises are protected, empowered and better connected to live more resilient and peaceful lives.
The program will identify vulnerable people (elderly people, people living with disabilities, displaced households, returnees and host communities and community organizations (ILP), local authorities, local leaders, civil society, health providers, etc. These groups of beneficiaries will be targeted by the selection approach to obtain multi-sectoral assistance in cash and/or in kind. These activities will focus on the following sectors:
- Food Safety ;
- Wash;
- Prevention and protection of SGBV;
- Peacebuilding and adaptation to climate change.
This launch, which took place in the meeting room of the Caritas Development Mahagi-Nioka Reception Center in front of several local authorities (Deputy Territorial Administrator, chieftaincy chiefs, group leaders) and several participants or guests that we quote: Doctors heads of health zones, nurses, heads of technical services of the State (inspection of agriculture, environment, planning and development), civil society, school authorities and staff member of the CDM project.
Taking into account the general and specific objectives of this project, we dare to believe that it will benefit the targets of a peaceful human life.
Taking into account the general and specific objectives of this project, we dare to believe that it will benefit the targets of a peaceful human life.
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