Mahagi: The mothers of ELIMAPAD celebrated their 08 March 2021 under the theme: "excellent female leadership, egalitarian and digital society in the era of Covid-19"
Like every year, the world commemorates March 8, International Women's Day. The objective of this day is to highlight the fight for women's rights and in particular for the reduction of inequalities in relation to men.The theme chosen this year is “Female leadership: For an egalitarian future in the world of Covid-19”. The focus is on women's efforts to shape a more equal future and recovery following the Covid-19 pandemic. The other important point is to shine a light on the gaps to be filled.
“Women around the world claim and deserve an equal future free from prejudice, stereotypes and violence; a sustainable and peaceful future with the same rights and equal opportunities for all. To achieve this, the world requires the presence of women in all decision-making, ”said UN WOMEN in a press release.
In Mahagi, women gathered through several mutual societies to commemorate this day which is dedicated to them. Among these mutualities, we retain that of ELIMAPAD (Elisabeth and Marie for Peace and Development), an association, bringing together women workers and the wives of men workers of CARITAS MAHAGI-NIOKA, of ANUARITE high school, of JEAN school complex -PAUL, from the SAINTS CHILDREN OF FATUMA school complex, from the MAHAGI-MISSION reference health center, from CAAMENIHU, from the MAHAGI procurator and other volunteers.
Started around 7:00 am with a solemn mass for the occasion: celebration of International Women's Day said by His Excellency Monsignor Sosthène AYIKULI ADJUWA, Bishop of the diocese of Mahagi-Nioka.
The ELIMAPAD women will then be received around 2:00 pm in the new reception center of Caritas Développement Mahagi-Nioka where several activities followed, including poems, theaters, speeches and sharing meals.
Taking into account the theme of this day, the men took out of respect the housework that women do daily so that this day is a total success (shown in the photo). The evening will be embellished with modern and traditional dances until x time.
In the end, we regret that this International Women's Day cannot derive its ideal from the infernal demand for women's rights and equality, but rather from a deserved struggle which will have a positive effect in the future generation.
Ir. Faustin MUNGUTSI
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