Mahagi-Nioka: the Elizabeth and Mary Association for Peace and Development celebrated its twentieth anniversary.

It was on the solemnity of the visitation on Friday May 31, 2024 that the ELIMAPAD association of Caritas Mahagi-Nioka celebrated its twentieth anniversary of existence. And this, at the reception center of the charitable institution.

The day was punctuated by several activities including an apostolate in the neighborhoods of the commune of Mahagi, teaching on Elizabeth and Mary and the holy Eucharist. Regarding the apostolate, she targeted sick people and elderly people in certain families. During this, the mothers of ELIMAPAD brought words of life and some assistance in food and in kind.

At the beginning of the afternoon, the teaching began. In this part, Professor Abbot Godefroy Upartho painted the profile of Elizabeth and Marie before inviting these mothers to love prayer. “Elizabeth and Mary are part of the faithful Jewish community, they remember the blessings of God in the history of their people. They also live in the light of the word of God, and carefully study the word of God by directing their gaze towards heaven in view of the value they have in the eyes of God. These women have given their own lives to God and these women are filled with joy. We must remember and I urge you that, we must give joy to the world by the way we live. We will give this joy if we love prayer,” urges the man of God.

Finished this step, head for the holy Eucharist. In his homily, Father Prosper Rugamba, like his colleague, Father Godefroy Upartho, exalts the qualities of Mary and Elizabeth. The officiant, for his part, calls for humility inspired by the gospel. “I wanted to end with this extract from the gospel. Do not have a taste for grandeur but allow yourself to be attracted by simple things because, even Mary says it, he demeans the powerful but he elevates the humble,” paraphrases the director of Caritas Mahagi-Nioka.

Twenty years of existence are worth celebrating, which justified the closing of the activities with a fraternal cocktail.

Désiré Uwekmeno

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